108 Day “Create to Great” Startup Launch Bootcamp Program

The Cal-Xelerator hosts periodic Launch Bootcamps, each consisting of select hand-picked startup companies or innovations. Each Launch Bootcamp is an intensive 108 day program where entrepreneurs are guided by seasoned Cal-X mentors who bring to bear their network of investors, partners, service providers, and most importantly, potential customers. Each Bootcamp class is encouraged to comprehensively understand the challenges of their fellow classmates and to work collaboratively holding each other accountable for meeting milestones. This not only ensure the success of the entire class, it provides alternative resources Cal-X startups can leverage when they are experiencing break-out growth. We provide mentoring in all areas of business development including; business model, pitch deck, business plan, company video, web site, social media marketing, software prototype development, patenting strategy, microlicensing, crowdfunding campaign development, movement development, sales and distribution strategies, digital marketing, product development, team building, advisory board development, trade show strategy and implementation, blog development and content. Companies may work from their homes or any of our suggested co-working spaces, however there is a mandatory weekly meeting of all bootcamp companies.

Leonhardt’s Launchpads by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc.

a concept through first-in-man studies accelerator focused on organ regeneration and recovery technologies.

Leonhardt’s Launchpads is a long term innovation and startup accelerator focused exclusively on technologies for organ regeneration and recovery primarily based on a core IP platform of bioelectric signaling controlled protein expressions, a re-fillable micro infusion pump and an up to fifteen component stem cell based organ regeneration composition. The business model of this accelerator is to take each organ specific innovation through first-in-man studies and the seek a strategic partner to advance the product through commercialization. Leonhardt’s Launchpads has access to research lab, office and medical device product development space in Playa Vista, Santa Monica, Westwood, Torrance, Tustin, Pasadena and Petaluma in California, as well as Sandy and Salt Lake City in Utah, Minneapolis, Minnesota and Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania in the USA and to a variety of resources also in Australia.

Cal-Impact by Calxelerator

an up to 7 Year Business Accelerator focused on nurturing social good impact companies.

Cal-Impact by Cal-X Stars Business Accelerator, Inc. is an up to 7 year program for the top social good impact companies coming out of our 108 day Cal-Xelerator Launch Bootcamp program. The Cal-Impact eco-system of vetted mentors, investors and service providers are available to help the portfolio companies with guidance and support durning the most critical value-building stage of growth – the launch phase: Conducting research & development, patent filings, and/or clinical trials.

Typical 108 Day “Create to Great” Program


Define opportunity, market, our solution, write elevator pitch


Recruit advisory board


Build web site


Build Executive Summary


Build Short Introductory Slide Deck


Build up Related Supporting Articles and Locate Potential Research Partners


File patent applications.


Develop a newsletter and blog for followers. Ask experts to contribute related articles. Build a community believing in same cause.


Get a press release out announces startup launch. Send to all your network of contact with a personalized introduction.


Recruit additional management team members and co-founders.


Develop budget and financial forecasts + file legal documents for formation and capital raising.


Search out ready available off the shelf components


Build and test rough prototypes


Develop final pitch deck and Executive Summary for DEMO DAY + Register on a Crowdfunding Site


Practice for first investor presentations DEMO DAY + good invites out to DEMO DAY


  • Average investment range $6K to $18K.
  • Average valuation of company at time of investment = $500,000
  • Instrument = convertible debt note.
    $18K into $500K = 3.6% to 6% equity from cash investment only
  • Additional 9% in sweat equity for mentoring services and tag along in Social Impact investment meetings. 3% goes to lead mentor. 3% to pool of 9 mentors. 3% to Cal-Xelerator (50.1% Cal-X Stars) Investors.
  • 3% royalty on gross sales for 1st full 3 years of sales. 1st year is not triggered until $10K in revenues aggregate is reached.
  • 7% warrants, 15 year strike time, strike price equal to seed round price.
  • *BONUS OPTION* Liquidation preference. Cal-Xelerator shareholders receive 3X return before other shareholders are paid.
  • Preferred stock with 5:1 voting rights.
  • Right to participate pro rata in future rounds.
  • Two board seats if desired.
  • Lead Cal-Xelerator Mentor gets stock option agreement in company equal to CFO level – 20% vesting a year for 5 years.